admin 发表于 2020-4-21 16:29:42

Pioneer RMX-500 Plug-in v1.0.1 WiN

Pioneer RMX-500 Plug-in v1.0.1 WiN
Team RET | 02 March 2020 | 3.09 MB
轻巧的 RMX-500 迄今仍是最直观的多音效装置。它结合了俱乐部标准 RMX-1000 的所有优越特性,布局精简,面板定制,可轻松获取从硬件即兴定制的各种音效。

The lightweight RMX-500 is the most intuitive multi-FX unit yet, combining all the best features of the club-standard RMX-1000 with a simplified layout, on-board customisation and easy access to a host of FX that can be customised from the hardware on-the-fly.

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