唢呐 Kong Audio Suona KONTAKT
Kong Audio Suona KONTAKT公元3世纪,唢呐由波斯、阿拉伯一带传入中国。
唢呐的音色明亮,音量大,管身木制,呈圆锥形,上端装有带哨子的铜管,下端套着一个铜制的喇叭口(称作碗),所以俗称喇叭。在台湾民间称为鼓吹;在广东地区又被称为嘀嗒 ,是广东“八音”乐器中的一种。
A hybrid crossover of brass and woodwind
Suona is rather unique. It is sort of a crossover between brass and woodwind. The sound of Suona is energetic, unapologetically harsh, abrasively brash, and proud-to-be-so-loud, blasting out everythings in sight.
The sound is simply wild.
Suona is believed to be derived from the Persian Zurna and slowly adopted by the Chinese in the course of history. By the time of the Ming Dynasty (14th - 17th century), Suona is documented as a prevalent instrument in China.
Today, Suona is still widely used at the local grassroot events such as weddings or religious festivals, especially in the rural area. Some modified versions of Suona are now the official instruments of large traditional Chinese orchestras.
Extraordinary Playability
ChineeSuona contains two different Suonas: a Big Suona in G (note range: D4-E6), a Small Suona in D (note range: A3-B5), with various types of legato, tremolo, trills and staccato, rolls and vibes playing styles.
Like all other Chinee Series instruments, the live playability of ChineeSuona is, again, the focus of the design. The audio demos here is an an exemplary showoff of what can be done with only one single Suona patch.
Home page:https://www.chineekong.com/suona.htm
Videos & Demos:https://soundcloud.com/kong-audio-llc/suonaconcertob
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唢呐 Kong Audio Suona KONTAKT
唢呐表情 这个好东西,感谢分享 终于有了哈哈哈