admin 发表于 2019-12-30 11:40:04

巴厘岛泡泡竹打击乐器 SonicCouture Tingklik v2.0.0 KONTAKT

SonicCouture Tingklik v2.0.0 KONTAKT
Tingklik是巴厘岛的一种竹打击乐器。它通常用于“ Rindik”音乐,因此有时也称为Rindik本身。 Rindik音乐通常涉及两个Tingklik播放器和一个Suling(竹笛)。


Tingklik演奏者用两只手,以恒定的节奏弹起槌。左手通常演奏旋律,而右手则伴奏。如果有两个玩家,那么右手部分通常是互锁的(一种称为kotekan的技术),给人以非常快速的打法的幻觉。 “冒泡的竹子光彩”。

由于Tingklik仅具有12个音符,因此可以对其进行详细采样,而不会在采样器内存上变得太大。每个音符都以12种不同的力度采样,每个音阶有6个交替采样,以确保非常自然,生动的声音。 Kontakt乐器包括用于将Tingklik加倍以模拟在巴厘岛发现的正宗配对比赛的工具。原始调音和全色西方调音都包括在内。
A Tingklik is a bamboo percussion instrument from Bali. It’s often used for “Rindik” music, so is sometimes referred to as a Rindik itself. Rindik music usually involves two Tingklik players and a single Suling (bamboo flute).

A Tingklik typically has 11 bamboo tubes, although the instrument we sampled has 12. With five notes per octave, the range is just over 2 octaves. The tubes are suspended using string over a wooden frame. The player sits on the ground and strikes the bamboo tubes with rubber-tipped mallets.

The Tingklik player uses both hands, bouncing the mallets in a constant rhythm. The left hand usually plays the melody and the right hand plays an accompaniment to it.If there are two players, the right hand parts are often interlocking (a technique called kotekan), giving an illusion of very extremely fast playing ; A “bubbling chatter of bamboo brilliance”.

Because the Tingklik only has 12 notes, it is possible to sample it in great detail without it becoming too large in terms of sampler memory. Each note was sampled at 12 different velocity levels, with 6 alternate samples for each level, ensuring a very natural, living sound. The Kontakt instrument includes tools for doubling the Tingklik to simulate the authentic paired playing found in Bali. Both the original tuning and a full chromatic western tuning are included.

● THE INSTRUMENT PANEL - The Tingklik instrument page features envelope and filter controls for shaping the sound, as well as Tremolo, Strum and Ensemble modules.
● GENERATIVE TOOLS PANEL - Calder is a generative music device that creates repetitions (loops) that vary in length while a note is held down. You can have one or two loops active, and a loop will be created for every note you hold down. Jammer works like a normal arpeggiator if you want, or you can set it to randomly evolve the pattern based on parameters you set: note, octave, gaps etc . Chord Mutate will take any input chord and slowly repeat and transform it over time..forever.
● EFFECTS PANEL - A completely user configurable FX chain: choose from 16 different effects in 6 insert slots - in any order you like. The Space processor offers everything from straight rooms and halls to ambient convolution effects.

Kontakt Player 5.6.8 or higher, Fully NKS compatible    请使用 KONTAKT 5.6.8 或更高版本打开

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doublered2 发表于 2020-1-18 15:46:13


wb3363986 发表于 2020-2-1 21:41:09


Happymation 发表于 2020-5-1 21:19:03


zhaoyong63 发表于 2020-5-2 09:37:07


huaijianfeng1 发表于 2020-5-2 17:32:23

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